
Download wirewolf buzz lightyear
Download wirewolf buzz lightyear

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NOS-4-A2 and XL, a villainous robotic " Frankenstein's monster" who is XR's "evil (and larger) twin", burst into the Space Ranger complex with a chunk of Canis Lunis' rock, immediately setting off the transformation of Parsec into a wirewolf once again the wirewolf is then captured by the two and taken to Emperor Zurg's planet, where NOS-4-A2 has ousted Zurg from power and built a cannon that, by draining Parsec as a source, can beam the wirewolf "curse" across galactic distances, possibly transforming Star Command and all of Capital Planet into wirewolves. In the episode Revenge of the Monsters, Parsec is discharged from the Space Rangers by Commander Nebula because of his infection. Parsec's Wirewolf appeared in two episodes of the television series, Wirewolf and Revenge of the Monsters, with a cameo appearance in War, Peace and War. The bite penetrates both Parsec's armor and skin, which, when exposed to the radiating light of Canis Lunis, turns him into the wirewolf, a robotic werewolf that, like NOS-4-A2, feeds upon electric energy. However, while assigned to patrol duty on the planet Canis Lunis, is accidentally bitten by NOS-4-A2, a villainous vampiric robot that feeds upon electric energy from other robots at the time, Parsec was attempting to save supporting character XR from NOS-4-A2's bite. Parsec is an old friend and Space Ranger Academy classmate of the title character who feels smothered by Buzz Lightyear often saving him from danger. Wirewolf (real name Space Ranger Ty Parsec) is a robotic werewolf species in Buzz Lightyear of Star Command.

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